Winter isn’t usually the biggest time for family photos here in Seoul because it’s so cold. However, this year, I’ve worked with several families as the weather cooled and made the best of our gorgeous winter light. This afternoon with the DeVito family was no exception.
Despite the warmth of their hometown and the cold of Seoul, Laurie, Robert, Sophia, and their latest addition to the family, Aiden, decided to brave the cool weather with me and make some images to celebrate this special time in their lives.

During the winter, I recommend only doing a one hour session, especially to those who aren’t used to the cold. By the end of an hour outside, the cold starts to settle in and it can be dificult (especially for kids) to be outside. That’s worth keeping in mind when you prepare for a winter session. Back to the session at hand.

I mentioned gorgeous winter light, this day was spectacular. Rarely do we get to work with such warm, directional light as we do in winter. I made the best of it for our first few frames as we crossed into the main section of the palace.

We moved around the palace quickly to keep our core temperatures up and make the session as varied as possible. Changdeokgung is beautiful for this because of it’s very distinct corners. Within an hour, we could easily work with several different styles of architecture. Of course, each corner of the palace also has its own special light as well.

Sophia was such a trooper throughout this whole session. For her, this was the coldest weather she had ever experienced, but she still wanted to take off her jacket for the photos and play with her brother as much as possible. We got some really great shots thanks to her willingness and love for her brother.

We wrapped up our session at the far end of the palace just as the kids we starting to get a little cold. A couple of family huddles and some running to wind it up were just what was needed.

Thanks again to the DeVitos for having me join their family for this beautiful afternoon. If you’d like to enquire about having your own family session in Seoul or anywhere in Korea, please get in touch.