My time with the Andersons started back in June when they first came to Korea to meet their son, Ezra Sihu. He would be their first adoption; their first child. As with most adoptions recently, the wait had been long and Dan and Ester were ready to take their little boy home. As we would come to see, he was ready for them as well.
Over lunch, they played, hugged and fed each other. Ezra drove his toys through his mother’s drinks, and played hide-and-seek from under the table while all erupted in laughter. This was going to be a happy family. Ester even managed to squeeze in a selfie with her son!
We then headed outside to play in the grass, search for ants and leap off bench after bench. The light in everyone’s eyes during this play time showed the love that was forming for this new family. And the sweat we were all pouring out was indicative of times to come with this energetic little fellow!
Over the coming weeks, they would get to know their son more. When the final custody papers were signed, Ezra walked out of the building hand-in-hand with his mother, and smiled all the way to their hotel. And then he would give us all another round of exercise as he helped move their bags into a new room between games of hide-and-seek (clearly his favourite!).