It has been far too long since I blogged about the joy that is adoption and being an adoption photographer, and far too long since this amazing couple picked up their son. Now that my feet are safely back on the ground, it is time to share this incredible story from Seoul, Korea with you. This is Wade and Holly’s adoption first meeting with their son Teague.
Holly and Wade travelled to Seoul to sign the final forms and collect the newest member of their family, Teague. An adoption in your home country is an overwhelming experience, but add to that a foreign country and you have another experience all together. To me, this is enough to make Holly and Wade amazing parents, but there was one more addition to this puzzle. Teague was diagnosed with bilateral ptosis, droopy eyelids. His new parents were aware of this and took it on board without question, saying they would continue the adoption, arrange the correction and give Teague his new home regardless. The rest is history, and the love is apparent in the photographs below.
This session and this family truly humbled me as a photographer and as a human being. Congratulations Teague, Holly and Wade.