Back in November, I was honoured to have the chance to work with the Elbracht family for the second time as their family photographer. We met again at Changgyeong-gung in the Autumn light again for our session this year.Autumn is simply the most beautiful time of year here in Seoul, and this day was no exception. We started a couple of hours before sunset, and as the sun began to dip, the forest lit up a beautiful golden colour. We couldn’t have hoped for better.
The children had grown up so much. Max and Oskar no longer have their little boy features, and Greta has started to come out of her shell a lot more. They shared a lot about their past year with me as we walked between locations, and we had plenty of fun together as always! Most of my sessions are one-offs with traveling families, so it is a real treat to get to know a family and their children for an extended period of time.
As we walked around the palace, we recalled the craziness of our first session. About 30 minutes into that session, the autofocus unit in my D800 had stopped functioning, and we took a short break to do something that can only happen in Korea. I made a call to my usual camera store to see if they had a D750 in stock. They said they could get one within 15 minutes, and get it to me within the hour. I had the new camera ridden to me on a motorcycle and we continued our session throughout the afternoon.
Thankfully, we had nothing like that this time around and just had a fantastic afternoon out together. Looking forward to seeing this lovely family again soon! If you’re looking for a family photographer in Seoul, don’t hestitate to drop me a line!