Last time, we met Ezra and his parents Ester and Dan. Ester and Dan are one of the few couples lucky enough to be able to stay in Korea during the entire adoption process, and get to know their son as well as the system allows. As we saw last time, Ezra bonded quickly with them and was more than happy to assist in their moving process. Dan’s fun-loving nature, and Ester’s outpouring of love gave him a very easy transition and we were able to meet up for our family session two days later.
We arrived early at Changgyeonggung in order to miss the crowds and the forecast rain. Things got off to a great start, and we let Sihu lead us where he wanted to go – stopping to make photos here and there. His game of the day was running away from everyone, and so we played to that. He took us on what could have been a palace tour, and we stopped him at convenient locations for the photos I had in mind.
Our warm up with dad got us started, but was short-lived and we had to move on to the next stop on the tour.
Our next couple of shots would play to his need to move around today, letting him stay in control while we got what we wanted. The rain came early and we ran back under cover for a while to let the worst of it pass, taking the opportunity to grab a (very) quick family portrait.
Once the rain let up, we headed out for one of Ezra’s favourite activities of the day – riding on dad’s shoulders. He had a blast up there looking at the world from a different perspective and stretching his poor dad’s cheeks as far as they would go.
Energy spent, we sat down to make a couple of quieter frames when Ezra remembered that he was hungry. “I shall go no further!” was his cry, at least that’s what we got from it. And so, we got ourselves some sugar coated pastries to stave off the hunger.
Satisfied, our young subject allowed us to continue, and began by showing me his best tiger impersonation before leading us promptly to his toys and refusing to participate any more!
That was all well and good, but I still needed a close-up of him with his mother. It took a short nap and some more food to coax him back in, but he came back with all the energy he had started with.
Thanks to the Anderson family for finding me here in Seoul and having me work with them at this amazing juncture in their lives. I had a great time, and am watching this little man grow from afar.
Please head over to my adoption stories page to see more stories of family building, and to read what Ester and Dan had to say about working with me during this time. To book your own adoption or family session, enquire above!