
Tag : family

Chan Family - Seoul Photographer

Chan Family – Seoul Family Photographer

Betsy contacted me after seeing a family session I had done with some friends of hers from her son’s school. Juggling our relative travel schedules was tricky, but we finally managed to get together and organise a session for the beauty of autumn in Seoul. We got one of the last warm days of the year for this session, and Seoul did not disappoint with some spectacular autumn light for us to work in. With loving parents and energetic children to […]

Asian Fine Art Photographer

2016 Year in Review Part 3 – Seoul Photographer

The clock ticked over and we’d blown the funding goal out of the water for our Kickstarter project. Wesley, Pablo, and I sat down for a well deserved glass of whiskey and stared out at the Han River for a couple of hours. A mixture of shock, affirmation, and fear for what was to come kept us running on adrenaline as we chatted through how far we had come. The book was ready, but little did we know how difficult […]

Seoul Fine Art Photographer

2016 Year in Review Part 2 – Seoul Photographer

We left off last time at the beginning of spring and sunshine. As April warms up, we tend to getting a lot more pre-wedding photography, and this year was no different. Before getting there, though, I worked with an old client of mine Jeanetic Concepts on Zebra Technologies’ APAC conference out at Incheon’s Grand Hyatt Hotel. The three day conference was held for 300 people across the entire bottom floor of the hotel. On day 2, I was tasked with […]

Lai Tu Chin Fine Art Photographer - Myanmar

2016 Year in Review Part 1 – Seoul Photographer

This year has been a roller coaster ride in every respect, and a wonderful one at that. Last year was my busiest to date, and I was glad to be scheduling some time at the beginning of 2016 to work on a personal project again. Despite 2016 being a little quieter than 2015, there was still plenty happening and a lot of changes. As per usual, this blog will be set out into 4 parts, covering the four quarters of […]

Sharp Family Photographer - Seoul

2015 Year in Review – Part 4 – Korea Photographer

I know… it’s February, and I’m just getting to this! Truth is, I’ve been hard at work re-organising my back-up system to make things more efficient this year. It also means that I have easy access to statistics about my work from the year, and can get to images a lot more easily. So, let’s start with those stats… in 2015, I shot approximately 130,000 images in 159 sessions. These total just over 4 terabytes in size. I’m looking forward […]

Lucy’s Little Brother – Family Photographer

Almost exactly three years ago, I met with Brian and Lisa as they travelled to Seoul to meet the newest member of their family, Lucy. The sweet, reserved little girl we met then has since grown into a sweet,  outgoing little girl, and I was absolutely beside myself when I got a message from Brian saying they were traveling again to adopt another new member of the family, Henry. Lisa and Brian invited me into their family again to document […]

A Short Time with the Wales Family – Seoul Photographer

Levi was just one month old when Amy and Alex reached out to book a family session with me. They knew the cherry blossoms were coming, and wanted to make sure they got a session booked. Cherry blossoms, being the fickle things they are, prevent us from booking anything firm in advance. But we kept in touch and organised our session date the week before the trees were scheduled to be in full bloom. The day before our session, we […]

Family Photographer Korea

A Day in the Life of the Zanes Family – Seoul Family Photographer

Twenty-three months after signing the papers to begin their adoption process, I met the Zanes family on the ground as their family photographer here in Seoul. They could not have wished for a better start to their lives with Michael Ubin as their youngest sibling. His big brother and sister smothered him with love, and his parents with all the care in the world. Michael smiled back in return and took to his family without hesitation. We spent the day […]

Korea Family Photographer

2014 Year in Review – Part 4 – Seoul Photographer

Here we are at the fourth and final slice of 2014. After finally delivering all of the work from last year, I have collected a few of my favourites from October, November, and December to share with you in a final year in review post. Parts one, two, and three are up as well, if you haven’t seen them yet. October started with an amazing two-day workshop that Andy Faulk and I co-hosted for Flash Light Expeditions in Gyeongju, South […]

Seoul Pre Wedding Photographer

2014 Year in Review – Part 3 – Seoul Photographer

Finally, it’s time to get Part 3 of my Year in Review as a Seoul photographer underway. Parts 1 and 2 can be found here and here. Last time we left a couple of stories unfinished, so I’d like to start this post with those. After a two month wait, it was finally time to see Amber and Matt again, and be there as they took custody of their too-cute-to-be-true son Asher. It would also be time that I got […]