Three days. Seventy-eight-thousand steps over almost fifty kilometres. Nine-thousand images. That can only mean one thing – Zebra’s APAC Sales Kick-Off was back in town. This year, the event was held on Jeju Island at the Landing Convention Center. It’s always a huge event and certainly keeps me busy as the sole photographer for the three-day conference.
The event is not your average seated event with a few speakers. That simply wouldn’t do. This is an event to get the sales team for the entire region fired up for the year’s business and introduce them to everything Zebra has been developing. That means that managers and developers all have presentations, a showcase of all the new products is available, and breakout sessions deal with smaller topics over the course of three days. Skipping back and forth between all of these keeps me on my feet for the whole day and makes sure that there’s always something to capture. To top this off, there are three (increasingly large) dinners and after-parties to keep me busy into the wee hours.
Below is a swatch of images from the three days I spent with Zebra. A big thanks again goes out to the Zebra team for always being such a pleasure to work with.
Please reach out if you’re having your own event in South Korea and are looking for a photographer. Don’t forget to follow my social media channels (Facebook / Instagram)as well for more of my photography.
[…] Right after this session, I hopped on a plane and headed down to Jeju Island to work with my long term client, Jeannetic Koncepts, for their conference with Zebra Technologies. This is one of those events that is go-go-go while it is on and all the staff show a lot of empathy whenever their eyes meet. It is a massive undertaking and is made up of some very long days. The guests are a really enthusiastic group, however, and this keeps everyone having fun. Lyn and her team make sure everything goes off perfectly every single time and they’re a pleasure to work for. You can see a full set from this event here. […]